...has been and will always be about Oracle Performance Analysis

OraPub Quick UOWTBA Web Application (v1.0a)     Demo

Snapshot Duration: (minutes) total snapshot interval time.
Unit of Work: (text) name of the unit of work.
Total Work: (number) total number of units of work completed during the snapshot interval.
CPU Consumption
   Foreground Processes: (seconds) total FG process CPU consumption during the snapshot interval.
   Background Processes: (seconds) total background process CPU consumption during the snapshot interval.
Top Wait Events
   1: (seconds) Total wait time for the top wait event during the snapshot interval.
   2: (seconds) Total wait time for the second wait event during the snapshot interval.
   3: (seconds) Total wait time for the third wait event during the snapshot interval.
   4: (seconds) Total wait time for the fourth wait event during the snapshot interval.
System Type: CPU IO How the arrivals (that is, the workload) stress the system.
Precision Level: Low Normal High Your desired precision level and patience.

Questions? Email Craig Shallahamer at craig@orapub.com.

Use this tool at your own risk. OraPub, Inc. is not responsible for its use or application.